Monday, October 19, 2009

Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

An interracial couple was denied a marriage license in Louisiana. Judge Keith Bardwell,   a white local judge refused to issue a marriage license to the couple.  He said he is not racist but was concerned for the children that would come out of such a union.  Hmm, a biracial child like maybe President Obama.  A child from such a union could grow up to be leader of the free world now that would be ashamed.  Apparently Tangipahoa Parish, where the judge resides, is an untapped research capital on interracial unions. 
His standard practice was to query if a couple were interracial and if so refer them to another justice of the peace.  I wonder if I ran my classroom like that how far could I get with such practices.  I could refer all the students who are trifling and low achievers to another teacher.

Maybe there could be a special line at McDonald's for the people who insist on staring at the menu board, even though the selection has not changed since Nixon.  Not withstanding the occasional appearance of Mc Ribs which seem to follow the same schedule as Haley's Comet. 
So we know Judge Bardwell has no love for the interracial couples, I guess Mark and David showing up would pretty much be a wash.  Just when you thought it’ safe to stop running DNA test on southern, backwoods, slack jawed, racist locals to make sure their parent s were not brother and sister, well here comes the judge.  This is a southern deep fried mess.   What do you think, please post your comments?

1 comment:

  1. Man I just tried of this shit. It does not matter what color we are. It is what is inside. So I know I me and Carlos would be denied or would we? Some people place latins and blacks in the same group- Maybe we can produce the next spanish speaking black president.
