Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cougar Town

ABC’s new show Cougar Town starring Courteney Cox is a new show about older Divas that like younger men. The cougar concept is not a new one. Some of the more famous Cougars are Cher, Madonna, Demi Moore, Terry McMillan and honorable mention to Elton John. Madonna’s latest infatuation, a young Latin heart throb she met while cruising band camp is the latest example of cougar conquest.

These are not your grandmothers’ cougars, who back in the day would hitch their scoot about to a passing car of young tenderonies at Cougar Country Safari. Today’s cougars are built and fierce. If you think about it, sexually it works because men are the most randy when they are younger and women reach their sexual peak when they are older, so the combination is well, explosive.

A friend asked me if women who date younger men are called cougars then what do they call men who date younger women. I replied, without missing a beat, they’re called predictable.

So all you cougars and cougar supporters, sharpen those claws, work the tall grass and pounce on that fine young antelope when they least expect it. Meow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Being that my man is 6 years younger than me and he is latin, makes being a cougar even better. I am loving it! I really don't know what I was afraid of- I guess I more worried about what other would think. One I am a black female dating a Latin man and two- he is alot younger. Shit- I don't care! It's my life and I can play with anyway I want! Power to the Sista!
    My suggestion to you single black ladies- Make yourself happy first- and everything else will follow.
    Love you Professor Locs
