Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hampton University White Queen

Hampton University crowned their first non-black Miss HU Queen.  Nikole Churchill, a 22-year-old from Hawaii whose mother is Italian and father is from Guam was crowned Queen despite the objections of some of the student body.
What do we expect when we begin to embrace diversity at HBCU’s?  We have already seen a white valedictorian at Morehouse College. 
I am waiting for some real controversy, how about the first Asian quarterback on the football team.   How about the first Q-dog in the NASA space training program, that’s newsworthy.   And my personal favorite the first Drag Queen to be crowned.   I can see it now. Congratulations to 22 year old Jerome Bailey aka, Inita Tuck, Miss Texas Southern University Yams Regional Homecoming Queen at Large. 

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