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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hampton University White Queen
What do we expect when we begin to embrace diversity at HBCU’s? We have already seen a white valedictorian at Morehouse College.
I am waiting for some real controversy, how about the first Asian quarterback on the football team. How about the first Q-dog in the NASA space training program, that’s newsworthy. And my personal favorite the first Drag Queen to be crowned. I can see it now. Congratulations to 22 year old Jerome Bailey aka, Inita Tuck, Miss Texas Southern University Yams Regional Homecoming Queen at Large.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
RZA Turned Philospher
The RZA, aka Robert Fitzgerald Diggs from the Wu Tang Clan has now turned philosopher in his new book “The Tau of Wu”. When did things shift that you no longer needed any formal training or education and basically becoming a rapper was the short cut to any vocation.
The other ugly part of RZA turned philosopher is the patronizing manner he is being handled with mainstream media.
I am accustomed to rappers, slash models turned actors but we have to draw the line somewhere. My best friend has a PhD in Philosophy. I watched him study, research, write and defend his dissertation which was a long and intense journey. We have to validate educational and vocational pursuits.
Next it will be rapper turned Proctologist. Do you really want Lil Wayne behind you sloshing syrup juice on your backside during a prostate exam? Wait, given the fact that I was recently traumatized by my own big Nordic gay doctor that may not be a bad alternative. See earlier “Man Exam”post.
Do I want Flava Flav as my dentist with all that gold in his mouth and that damned clock hitting me in the face? But I must admit the thought of Lil Kim as a school principal is kind of fierce. I can see her stomping down the hallways in 6 inch Prada’s and fur yelling “You better get to your homeroom bitches I’m the Queen Bee”.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Spike Lee Tyler Perry Smack Down
Spike Lee puts Tyler Perry in the hot seat when he is interviewed at the “14th annual Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference”. Spike Lee compares the images from shows like “House of Payne” and “Meet the Browns” as contemporary “coonery and sambo” images. I have tried to watch “The House of Payne” and my conclusion was the title stemmed more from the audiences experience rather than the story line.
Spike Lee says that Tyler Perry’s characters are not uplifting and positive roles. I guess he is comparing Perry’s character to his riveting, solid portrayal of an educated Black Renaissance man, in his character, Mars Blackmon in “She’s Gotta Have It”.
Tyler Perry fires back on 60 Minutes and says that he is “pissed off by Lee’s comments” he goes on to say that “he would like to read the criticism to his fan base”. This is an interesting argument. I am pushing something that could be damaging but I will have the consumers of that product speak in support. I wonder if that would work for crack dealers.
We have seen this before. “The Color Purple” was nominated for about 12 Oscars but did not receive one largely because the NAACP boycotted the film because of it’s depiction of Black men instead of saying this is one woman’s story. The fight has never been about one movie representing an entire cultural experience. The real fight is that there are more films made by other view points to have a richer exploration of that culture.
I propose that both Spike Lee and Tyler Perry have a title fight in Las Vegas where the proceeds would go to supporting up and coming filmmakers. The only catch would be the fight would have to be between their alter egos. It would be the Madea and Mars Mixed Martial Arts Smack down. My money is on Madea. Although we might find out they both fight like girls.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Drunk Lazy Man
A Minnesota man was charged with DWI while attempting to leave a local tavern in a motorized La-Z Boy chair. Now we all have been over served at one point and even maybe been accused of being less than pro-active but this is the extreme. This is the ultimate couch potato.
The man hooked up his chair with a lawnmower motor, headlights and even a mirror for rear viewing. You will not find this at IKEA.
MTV is thinking of launching a new spin off show called “Pimp My Tasteless but Comfortable Furniture”.
The man hooked up his chair with a lawnmower motor, headlights and even a mirror for rear viewing. You will not find this at IKEA.
MTV is thinking of launching a new spin off show called “Pimp My Tasteless but Comfortable Furniture”.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Latino in America

There will be an international version of “White famous people in Africa adopting children”, “American men exploring the sex trade in Taiwan” and my personal favorite “Native Americans vacationing in Europe while counting their money from mainstream American gamblers”.
The real exciting news is that Soledad is working on a subculture series. Look out for “Puerto Rican Drag Queens in Jersey”, “DL Black men in Atlanta” and “Christian, lip stick, lesbian, kick boxers who grew up on the South Side of Chicago but now live in Berkeley”.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cougar Town
ABC’s new show Cougar Town starring Courteney Cox is a new show about older Divas that like younger men. The cougar concept is not a new one. Some of the more famous Cougars are Cher, Madonna, Demi Moore, Terry McMillan and honorable mention to Elton John. Madonna’s latest infatuation, a young Latin heart throb she met while cruising band camp is the latest example of cougar conquest.
These are not your grandmothers’ cougars, who back in the day would hitch their scoot about to a passing car of young tenderonies at Cougar Country Safari. Today’s cougars are built and fierce. If you think about it, sexually it works because men are the most randy when they are younger and women reach their sexual peak when they are older, so the combination is well, explosive.
A friend asked me if women who date younger men are called cougars then what do they call men who date younger women. I replied, without missing a beat, they’re called predictable.
So all you cougars and cougar supporters, sharpen those claws, work the tall grass and pounce on that fine young antelope when they least expect it. Meow!!!
These are not your grandmothers’ cougars, who back in the day would hitch their scoot about to a passing car of young tenderonies at Cougar Country Safari. Today’s cougars are built and fierce. If you think about it, sexually it works because men are the most randy when they are younger and women reach their sexual peak when they are older, so the combination is well, explosive.
A friend asked me if women who date younger men are called cougars then what do they call men who date younger women. I replied, without missing a beat, they’re called predictable.
So all you cougars and cougar supporters, sharpen those claws, work the tall grass and pounce on that fine young antelope when they least expect it. Meow!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Man Exam
My doctor tells me that is it is time for my Prostate Exam or “Man Exam” when I make an appointment for my annual flu shot. I am going to be stuck two times, ouch. There are two events most men can do without and those are Prostate exams and IRS audits.
I have shared that I am a bit of a germ fanatic so going to the doctor is usually kind of traumatizing anyway. I love my doctor he is gay and has all of these fierce black Divas that work the reception area giving people the “goose lips” until they get off their cell phones. I do the paperwork and wait for my name to be called.
The nurse calls my name and greets me with a mask on. This is not a good sign. She says she has a slight cold and does not want to cough on anyone, I think that would be easier if you were at home and not working around sick people!
I come from a history of men with prostate problems not to mention this is a common condition among African-American men, so I know this exam is needed but not desired. Sort of like a root canal, just the opposite end. I support Tom Joyner's take a love one to the doctor day. My vitals are taken and I am given a hospital gown for easier access I guess.
Sidebar, a friend asked me were gay men as nervous about the “Man Exam” as straight men. The implication is that since we might be more familiar with certain nether regions it is less stressful….Wrong! This is not a date after a night of dancing to club music and vodka red bulls. No one wants uninvited visitors to their naughty bits.
Back to the story, I bounce and pace liked a caged cat knowing I have very little time before the “Man Exam” will begin. The doctor comes in we chit chat and the ritual begins. He says he wants to check the front first, did I mention my doctor was gay. I tell him OK but its cold in here and I my nerves are shot so I am not in show condition (shrinkage). The usual poking and coughing commence.
He asked me to turn around, bend over and plant the heels of my feet firmly on the ground. Hey that is usually my line. Did I also mention that although my doctor is cool and gay he is also big blond Nordic man with huge hands? I begin to break out in a sweat. I ask him does he have any cute, tiny Asian interns with small petite features working today?
He tells me I am going to feel some pressure. Pressure my ass, literally, my nether regions are on fire. Man do you have any poppers, a shot of whiskey, at least put some Anita Baker on the speaker system. My dog had a similar exam and they at least gave him a stick to bite on.
Now I do not know what the new Health Care plan involves but if I have to go through anything like this again I expect something in that plan like some local anesthesia , hell knock me out, molest me and post it on You Tube, I just don’t want to feel anything. For all the women out there that say men are wimps when it comes to pain, I say Ouch. If there are guys that have had similar experiences please comment and post. I am starting a support group called “You Hurt My Boom Boom”.
Ballon Boy Hoax

Now they are waiting to see if charges will be filed. This was all done to promote a reality TV show the media starved parents were trying to sale. I am going to pitch a show about dogs surviving trauma. I am going to fake a 911 call that our dog has been nabbed and is being held for ransom. I will wait a few days to build the drama and have the dog secretly released from a posh dog salon.
I can then drag my traumatized dog to every morning show, who will then vomit on cue when Diane Sawyer ask them to show her on the chart where the abductors touched him inappropriately.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License
An interracial couple was denied a marriage license in Louisiana. Judge Keith Bardwell, a white local judge refused to issue a marriage license to the couple. He said he is not racist but was concerned for the children that would come out of such a union. Hmm, a biracial child like maybe President Obama. A child from such a union could grow up to be leader of the free world now that would be ashamed. Apparently Tangipahoa Parish, where the judge resides, is an untapped research capital on interracial unions.
His standard practice was to query if a couple were interracial and if so refer them to another justice of the peace. I wonder if I ran my classroom like that how far could I get with such practices. I could refer all the students who are trifling and low achievers to another teacher.
Maybe there could be a special line at McDonald's for the people who insist on staring at the menu board, even though the selection has not changed since Nixon. Not withstanding the occasional appearance of Mc Ribs which seem to follow the same schedule as Haley's Comet.
Maybe there could be a special line at McDonald's for the people who insist on staring at the menu board, even though the selection has not changed since Nixon. Not withstanding the occasional appearance of Mc Ribs which seem to follow the same schedule as Haley's Comet.
So we know Judge Bardwell has no love for the interracial couples, I guess Mark and David showing up would pretty much be a wash. Just when you thought it’ safe to stop running DNA test on southern, backwoods, slack jawed, racist locals to make sure their parent s were not brother and sister, well here comes the judge. This is a southern deep fried mess. What do you think, please post your comments?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mo Rules at Morehouse College
I was driving home and heard on the Rev. Al Sharpton Show that Morehouse College just announced a new and more severe dress code. I personally was a faculty member in the AUC, that stands for the Atlanta University Center for our Historically Black College and University challenged readers. I recall both Spelman and Morehouse had a tradition of freshman dressing up during the first week of school.
So just when this story is getting not so interesting, they reveal that items that are banned include: the usual baggy pants, do-rag, caps and hoods. Then they get to the part that makes someone like me glad they got up this morning. They said the "children" (code for gay boys) could not wear any items that are usually worn by women including: dresses, tops, tunics, purses, pumps, etc. Insert gay boy riot!
Again I taught in AUC for several years when I was younger and a hot child in the city myself. I met many of the young gay men who attended Morehouse and dated a few cute alumni. Let me tell you those children are fierce and have always had a presence. There is a definite trend of the more fabulous gay boys to wear high heels and carry expensive women’s bags. Check out Derek J and Dwight on The Housewives of Atlanta, more on those heifers later. So it stands to reason that some of the children at Morehouse are working the trends.
Dr. William Bynum states that the new policy is an effort to “get back to the legacy” of Morehouse leaders. I can see his point. He goes on to say that “We expect our young men to be Renaissance men”. I wonder if he means Renaissance men like Langston Hughes and James Baldwin both “children of the era”. If that is the case then those high stepping, bag toting Morehouse children are truly representing. And having had to teach an 8:00 AM class where they are already grumpy those are going to be some evil “children” if they have to come to class in flats, unbeaten faces and no accessories. What do you think? Should the children be able to keep their bags and heels at Morehouse?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ushers 911 Call Is a Joke

Sidebar the dinner was prepared by contestants from Iron Chef. A delicious culinary experience of fresh young raw meat was shared by all.
Usher claims the attack was due to an argument about the two young cubs he sired when they were married. Tameka Foster’s publicist denounces the claim as ridiculous and beneath her client.
It is also only a coincidence that Tameka Foster will be working with Jasmine Sullivan on a follow up hit from “Bust Your Windows” entitled “I Keyed Yo Ride” due out next summer.
Swine Flu Shiggidy
As we get to know one another you will discover that I have a phobia with germs. People say but you live with animals how can you be crazy about germs? It is simple I am OK with my germs it is just everyone else’s germs I have issues with.
The company that manufactures the Swine Flu is not liable for any side effects or bad reactions including, oh say DEATH. There are some health care workers that are being forced to take the shot. Shots are painful enough without getting stabbed by some disgruntled nurse with anger issues. And I do not I want to be first in line to take a vaccine that if I grow a pig snout on my back I have no legal recourse.
Now I am not a big conspiracy theorist but it seems that these pan endemic viruses only happen in places where people of color reside. We had the bird flu scare in Asia. We have wide spread outbreak of Aids in Africa and most recently the Swine Flu in Mexico.
You never hear of any crazy outbreaks in Russia, Switzerland or Connecticut. Just food for thought. Are you going to get a swine flu shot, comment?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Walmart Smack Down
A man pimped slapped a child at Walmart for crying. Damn those Walmart greeters are getting gangster. I bet you think twice about asking what aisle the vics vapor rub is on next time.
Bus Driver Jump Off
A bus driver was charged with having relations with a student. Whatever happened to the old days when you just had the hots for your teachers. I remember all of my bus drivers and the visual alone is making me dry heave.
New TV Show
There is a new series called Flash Forward where everyone loses consciousness at the same time. Where I come from the same phenomenon was caused by partying at bars that offered half price well drink nights.
Macy Grey Dancing With the Stars
Macy Grey was so high that she didn't realize she was booted off Dancing With the Stars the other night. She showed up for practice the next day. Disturbingly enough in a red tutu. She kept trying to jump in the arms of her partner but he was in the next room. She finally passed out.
Macy Grey will reprise the role of Effie White on Dancing With the Stars. She showed up still high with a orange tutu singing "And I am Telling You I'm Not Going". Security was alerted but she passed out before the second chorus.Facebook Presidential Poll
What is up with putting a poll on FB about killing the President. Really crazy people? Can't people take the which Spice Girl am I poll like everyone else?
Or If I were a pizza, what toppings would I have or my personal favorite if I was a child TV star with image issues, a depleted bank account and a recent rejection letter from Celebrity Rehab which child star would I be? I am Todd Bridges when I took the poll.What Ethnicity were they?

You will find that I will periodically post about the differences between mainstream culture and other cultures. This is code for stuff crazy white people do and other people do not.
GMA is running the story of the people who died in the make shift Sweat Lodge. People who make the decision to subject themselves to extreme conditions and hot temperatures. They say they were spiritual warriors. In Texas we refer to people who do the same thing as homeless.
There were approximately 60 people crowded into a plastic tent to sweat themselves into a state of self realization. The participants were in this extremely hot and humid environment for a few hours and paid handsomely for the effort. I think it would have been easier to ride public transportation in Houston during the month of August and received the same effect.
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